Monday, November 9, 2015

30 is the new 20?

Life happens...that's why this blog hasn't happened since last year.

A lot has changed. My career, my hair, my goals...surprisingly not my relationship situation, though! Hey 3 out of 4 ain't bad!

On Turkey Day this year, I will be the big 30! It is an exciting time for me. While once upon a time I thought that I'd be in tears as it approached, I'm actually looking forward. Maybe now I will actually get those things done that I need to. On the other hand it is bittersweet because I never had the so-called 20's experience, but I am determined to make my 30's a happening time.

I don't want 30 to be the new 20 for me. I don't want do-overs. I simply want a fresh start and a clear path to an already promising future.

Life is what you make it. Make it how you want!