Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I long for sisterhood.  Sisterhood that extends across economic classes, skin tones, languages, cultures, ideas, backgrounds, and lineages.  I know it may be asking a lot; people have different personalities and view points but, wouldn't it be fantastic?

I long for it the most among my "Sistas".  The lack of sisterhood among my Sista's is so apparent. The saddest part is that millions are made off of our lack of concern for each other.  Take for example the various shows like Love and Hip Hop, or The Real Housewives of Atlanta...both shows that showcase us behaving badly.  These shows punctuate the already preconceived stereotypes that even with money, black women can't get along...no matter what we do or have we will only behave in the ways that suit the Jezebel or scandoulous woman.

It is sad to me and maddening when I open my mouth to speak and it is just me and one other "Sista" in the room and I am told that I sound "white" because I am speaking proper English and in and educated fashion. 
It annoys me when a "Sista" tries to shame me because I am wearing my hair relaxed and she wears her natural. It hurts me when my "Sistas" can't seem share in each other's successes without trying to tear the other one down.

I don't understand. Aren't we better than that? Didn't we come up with this whole "Sista" thing? Why can we not exemplify it?

Rise up my SISTA'S. Let us redefine what we started by truly being what we are: beautiful, loyal, smart, strong, and confident women who uplift each other. Would you treat your sister any less?

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