Monday, August 19, 2013

Because Your House Isn't A Date (A short one)

Chivalry is most certainly dead.

Or it could be buried beneath the seat covers of some man's couch.  He misplaced it there when he was trying to find the exact words to say to ask me out. I'm most certainly convinced of this.

As a girl who is pretty attractive (yes I am tootin' my own horn), I can't understand for the life of me why anyone wouldn't want to show me off.  Furthermore, I cannot understand why a grown man cannot understand the danger that he presents inviting a single young woman to his home for the first "date".

Date...right.  Yes, yes, yes. I see now...getting invited to someone's most intimate spot is surely an ideal first date! Being alone with you in your home ensures that nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen. It's not like there's any closets for you to hide me way for you to lock the doors so I can't get out.

No sir. Make mine dinner in public where lots of people can see you.

Your not a date.

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