Sunday, August 13, 2017

About Saturday

Unless you've been under a rock this weekend, then you probably know about what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia.  If you really don't, for whatever reason, then I'll recap it : White supremacists (lower cased on purpose), attacked counter protesters.

As a result, three people died. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the young woman and the two officers that were killed.


The imagery from Saturday is like being thrown in a time machine and transported back to the 60's.  The ugliness of human kind was on full frontal display. Though ugly and gritty, the truth was also on display; the truth about America and how hate is still dividing a country that is ironically named "The United States of America."

It is easy to say, we will not let hate win.  It is easy to condemn the attacks and the acts of evil and hate filled men and women.  But beyond condemnation, what else can we do? What else will we do? We witnessed a nightmare, but we've had this same nightmare before.  It is recurring, and each time seems to become more real and more violent.  With each replay of the nightmare, some of us wake up.  Others remain sleeping, telling ourselves that it won't happen again always does.  Then, when it's over, we pretend like it didn't happen and go on with our normal routine.

But how many more times does the nightmare have to play out before we realize that there is a problem with the American psyche? That we need help? That something has to change? That we need to fix this?

The first step is admitting that you have a problem...

However, when "leaders" cannot admit there is a problem, then the problem persists.  It will continue to grow and grow, until it is a monster that consumes us all.  So when leaders fail, we the people, take matters into our own hands.

We will continue to fight back and beat back any form of oppression. We will continue to stand for liberty, equality, and justice.

And we will win.

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